Useful Information
History of the Byes
History of the community orchard
Sidmouth biodiversity partners
Here are some links to other sites that you might find interesting or useful.
The Byes includes an area owned by the National Trust:
The Biodiversity Group play an important role working with local communities to explore, enrich and share our enthusiasm for the biodiversity of Sid Valley
The Sid Vale Association plays a major part in caring for the Sid Valley:
The Sidmouth Arboretum Group have a keen interest in The Byes:
The Sidmouth Town website:
Useful documents about the biodiversity of the Byes
Information about the river Sid and the work to improve its biodiversity:
Bruno Vincent, River Sid Report,
DWT Living Rivers Project 2013-14
NFPAP Lower R Sid site visit Jan 2023
River Sid Habitat Project Proposal 2023
Sid AV Extension SID Proposal V2 March 23
Sid WCRT score card email to byes folk
Flowering plants found in the Byes:
A list of flowering plants in the Byes